Friday, July 31, 2009

AA (code name for Aunt Alisha)

Alisha spent a few weeks visiting Dallas earlier this summer. We all really enjoyed having her here. Here are a few shots of her very photogenic self hanging with the family and playing with the birds at the Fort Worth Zoo.

Lucy and I and the new curtains

I have been working on new curtains for our bedroom to help Lu sleep during her daytime naps. I love the curtains, but so far the naps are still patchy. The curtains make our room look golden any time of day. Love it!!

Isn't Lucy growing by leaps and bounds?!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Too Long!

It has been way too long since I have posted pictures of Lit' Lu. Since summer began Lucy and I have been to Michigan, Chicago, Oklahoma and New Mexico. Here is a shot of our little one preparing for yet another long trip. Good thing she made peace with her car seat before we set out!