Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Poem of the Day

I thought of Frost's Mending Wall as a very viable option. I recently heard a very fun idea about a movie based on that something in us that doesn't love a wall ... and that nameless force working it own will in the poem.

However, Hopkins' rather long poem about the valiant struggle and happy memory of the death of 5 Fransicans won the day. Here it is in full text:

I love the child-like wonder he brings to his consideration of man's place in the universe.

First with the physicality of his creation description and then with the sweetness of wanting to hold the finger of God like a very small girl whose hand is too small to hold the giant hand of an adult and can just grasp their finger.

I might do a stanza my stanza meditation on it for Poetry Month.. we will have to see waht tomorrow brings.


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